شمس مشرقة تضيء سماء المدونات العراقيات Sunshine is a in Mosul, For her, the football euphoria wore off too fast.

Sunshine is a 19-year-old girl in Mosul, northern Iraq. For her, the football euphoria wore off too fast.

I was born in 29/1/1992 , I grow up among well educated family. i am studying engineering now, it was my dream to be an engineer and help in rebuilding my country in the future. I have many dreams and ambitions, I wish that one day they become true .my mom always support me to accomplish my ambitions … optimism is my strategy always… Computer and internet are my life and what I do in my spare time , But if we don’t have electricity, I spend my spare time reading , writing, listening to music and doing some handmade work … I found that Blogging is a great way to express my thoughts , opinions, & feelings to the world ,to get friends & to share them my happy & sad moments…
الشمس المشرقة مدونة عراقية من الموصل عمرها 19 سنة تنحدر من عائلة مثقفة وتدرس الهندسة حالياً وتتمنى ان تسهم في إعادة بناء بلدها, تقول ان الانترنت والكومبيوتر هي حياتي ولكن حين تنقطع الكهرباء أتوجه نحو القراءة والكتابة وبعض الاعمال اليدوية.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Determined to change ..... The Friday of anger and the palm's revolution

غطت Sunshine مظاهرات 25 شباط فبراير بشغف في كافة مناطق العراق شاهدوا هنا:

عيد ميلاد سعيد من فريق رابطة المدونات العراقيات HAPPEY BIRTHDAY SUNSHINE

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My 19th Birthday ...

كما احتفلت قبل المظاهرات بأقل من شهر بعيد ميلادها التاسع عشر شاهدوا هنا:

2 تعليقات

  1. Thanks a lot for mentioning me in your blog and for the sweet birthday wish, I wish you all the best ..
    Sunshine ..
    Btw .. I made a link for you in my blog

  2. i wish see your 20th birthday between your sisters in iraqi ladies blogger groub as your family
    to gate more gifths lol
    thanx for link this blog in ur blog

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